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All in one health management system template

Health Management could be a hectic and complex task, handling multiple data regarding our health or of our family's. Health is life and you cannot compromise with it. You always have to look over yourself and loved ones, for doing so you need to informed about their current health and also to know what should be done to avoid any medical tragedy.


Notion is a wonderful tool when it comes to manage productivity systems and build custom workflows. I am productivity resource head at a startup based out of New Delhi, India. I have created multiple workflows in past and used various software to handle medical data, such as doctor's vault, medicine track, exercise track etc. However, I end up developing a perfect system workflow on Notion which helped me to be more productive day in and out and as well as share resources with rest of the team. 

I would love to share this workflow with everyone who care about the health of them and their loved ones. This template will help you to manage various hectic medical records, important appointments, essential workouts and definitely mental health.

HealthyMe Notion Template includes:

Medicine and Doctor's Appointment Track

Physical Health Board

Mental Health Board

Sports Management Board

Healthcare and Fitness Communities

Detailed Overview:

Physical Health Board

  • Body Dynamics, consists of body statistics and Calorie calculator

  • Exercise Track and Gym management

  • Recipes & Remedies consists of nutrition chart and diet planning

  • Guidebook consists of physical fitness books and guides

Mental Health Board

  • Mental Healing books

  • Application and tools for mental fitness

  • Binaural Beats Vault

Sport Management

  • My Sports management

  • My Team Management

  • My Sports Event Management

Healthcare and Fitness Communities

  • Facebook

  • Reddit

  • Instagram

I hope you would find this template to be useful as a valuable asset to your current workflow. I will create more templates similar to this for corporate world and daily life things .


Does this work on the free version of Notion?

Yes. Once you've made the purchase, I will send you a link to duplicate this to your Notion workspace. You don't need to be on Notion's Personal Pro plan to use it.

If I like certain sections of the Human resource hub notion template a lot, and want to duplicate them into my personal workspace, can I?

Sure. Feel free to do whatever you want with the components of the Simply HR template in your personal workspace. I just ask that you don't resell parts of it or create blogs / articles using the content that's found in the Simply HR template.

Can I duplicate this database to share with my team / friends?

This is a personal license for individual use, so not currently. I will explore having a team license or a specific build that has team features if I get a lot of enquiries about it.

Any other questions?

You can email me at animesh.icagroup@gmail.com

I want this!

Health Management System Notion Template

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